Fashionable Asymmetry: A minor example.His father sealed some of the Kyubi's leftover chakra into him, turning him into a 'pseudo-jinchuriki'.

Evil Knockoff: Well, Jerkass knockoff, since he isn't really evil.Canon Immigrant: Not Sora himself, but the idea of "Pseudo-Jinchuriki" returns with two brother ninjas who became pseudo-Kyuubi jinchuriki by eating some of the Kyuubi's flesh after it ate them.He later discovers that Kazuma was a Knight Templar who turned him into a Pseudo-Jinchuriki with the express purpose of having him destroy Konoha. Broken Pedestal: He absolutely adores his father Kazuma, who's a Disappeared Dad.Blow You Away: His chakra type is wind like Naruto, and his techniques usually take the form of Razor Wind.The others mistrust him because they're afraid that it will happen again. What he doesn't remember is that after he had Kyuubi chakra implanted in him, he lost control and started destroying the temple. All of the Other Reindeer: None of the other monks like him, and he copes by being as much of a pest as he can.A young monk at the Temple of Fire, who is endowed with some of the Nine-Tailed Fox's chakra.